Thursday, December 3, 2009

English as a Global Language

Some people worry that multiple varieties of English will mean a future world where we cannot understand one another’s English. However, this is unlikely to happen. First, the written language has stayed relatively unchanged. Second, mass communication and transportation keep the world in constant contact. This prevents language varieties from moving too far away from the original language. Finally, the political and economic cost of losing the ability to understand one another is just too high. We need to be able to understand one another.

Although concern has arisen that so many English dialects will prevent people from understanding each other, many factors work against this happening. These include the unchanging nature of written English, the constant contact between English speakers from different countries in our global age, and, most importantly, the political and economic importance of effective international communication.

Visit these websites for more opinions. Paraphrase or quote arguments you like--or disagree with! Remember to give the name of the person writing!

This English language timeleine describes the history of the English Language:
English Language Timeline

Is English a Global Language? Why or Why Not??

What is the future of English? Is it losing quality? Is it changing??

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